There are a lot open-source domotica systems available like Calaos, Domoticz, Home Assistant and OpenHab to name a few. Now there is one more, my own (for now) nameless system. Why make your own I hear you asking! First of all because I want to learn how to create such thing from the ground up, and I want to find out how I would build such system without being influenced by other domotica systems. I haven’t checked any source code of my direct competitors and I haven’t checked how they solved various issues. I googled some of their interfaces and in most cases I hope I can do it better. Because in my opinion most of them look really outdated! In this blog I want to show you what I have build so far. Keep in mind it is by far not yet ready or usable.
Category Archives: Hardware
Help! My Synology NAS docker GUI won’t download any images anymore!
I really love my Synology NAS. But sometimes its not working completely as I expected. I have various docker containers running on my NAS and until now without any problems. But today I had an odd issue. Everytime I tried to pull the latest Gitlab CE image from the registry it started downloading but after a while is hangs and just dissapears from the list. First I thought it was my internet connection, or maybe my DNS settings. But nothing seem to work. Also not downloading other tags like specific versions. I only had the problem with the Gitlab CE image. All other images downloaded fine. Here is how I solved the issue…. Continue reading